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You have been numerous to share some supportive messages as we announced our move to the 4 Day week! And we thank you for that!…..

We want to share a bit more about our project.

So let’s try to answer the question “how ? ”  :

How to save 20% of our week, while keeping on growing ?

Here are 4 areas we have worked on and have decided to change our process.

  • To identify the time consumers and decide to kill the useless action in our diaries.

This also comes along with dedicating time for deep work in our agendas. We have been efficiently trained by the 4 Day Week organisation on these topics.

  • To identify the low added value tasks or the one we repeat endlessly and to use automation instead of spending time on them.

We can’t really say we are tech savvy guys, nonetheless, we have always tried and tested tools and apps to replace some tasks, that basically have no added values ( we are more than happy to share the list of these tools if you are interested in)!

These two first avenues are “the basics”, they deserve neither in depth assessment nor major changes in the company.

Here are now probably the game changers : 

  • Identify the redundant tasks and use the collective intelligence to tackle them :

Nowadays, with so many ways to share resources, we simply can’t imagine that two collaborators would have to do or re-do the same works (or even 80% similar works). Think about it : how often have we worked on a presentation, a proposal which is most likely to exist somewhere in the company ?

  • Constantly seek to work smarter and to leverage on our success

Our business is dedicated to the Life sciences industry, which can be perceived as a multifaceted industry.

We have made the strategic decision to stay very focused on our strengths and to offer services that really falls under our core expertise.

Doing business development, sourcing Subject matter expert takes time, no doubt about that. Hence, we had no choice but to  replicate and enhance our successful know-how. That enables us feeling confident that any single time consuming initiative will be fruitful and leveraged.

This type of strategic assessment not only can help saving time but will also give much more value on our time.