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Trend Analysis

The UK market for cosmetics continues to be a beacon of growth and opportunity for international brands. Recent trade statistics underscore a promising trend, particularly for French cosmetics. In 2023 alone, the export of perfumes and cosmetics from France to the UK experienced a significant rise, growing by 8.5% to achieve a total of €23.6 billion. This growth not only highlights the enduring appeal of French cosmetics but also signals a robust demand in the UK market.

The unique positioning of French cosmetics — known globally for their quality and innovation — aligns well with the evolving consumer preferences in the UK. As the market expands, the opportunities for French brands looking to penetrate or expand within the UK are substantial.

The Role of UK Responsible Person (UKRP)

Navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance is one of the primary challenges faced by non-UK companies. This is where Apotech Consulting steps in. As your UK Responsible Person (UKRP), we ensure that your cosmetic products comply with all the UK regulatory requirements, facilitating a smoother entry and operation within the market.

Our UKRP Services Include:

  • Compliance Assurance: Ensuring that your products meet all safety, labeling, and formulation requirements as per the UK regulations.
  • Notification and Documentation: Handling all necessary notifications to the UK Office for Product Safety and Standards, including product information file (PIF) maintenance.
  • Legal Representation: Acting as your legal representative in the UK, managing all communications with regulatory bodies.

Why Choose Apotech Consulting?

With a deep understanding of both EU and UK cosmetic regulations, Apotech Consulting is uniquely equipped to bridge the gap for French cosmetic companies aiming to tap into the lucrative UK market. Our expert team ensures that navigating the post-Brexit regulatory landscape is seamless, allowing you to focus on what you do best — creating outstanding cosmetic products.


The increasing trend in the export of French cosmetics to the UK reflects a clear opportunity for growth. By partnering with Apotech Consulting, you gain not just a service provider but a strategic ally who is committed to your success in the UK market. Let us help you expand your horizon and capture the hearts of British consumers with your exceptional products.